Don’t miss out on our upcoming classes: Preparing to Breastfeed, Antenatal Prep (Feb. 1st only) and Starting Solids in Jan, March & May

Antenatal Support
Scotland Baby – Antenatal Prep – 1st Feb. 10-4 Comprehensive Antenatal Class covering your pregnancy, birth, and caring for baby & you! Small classes to delve into essential topics, meet parents-to-be, and gain the confidence in your parenting journey. Date: 1 Feb – Limited Availability.
Preparing to Breastfeed Group Class A unique experience designed to go beyond the basics and give you the real-world tools and confidence you need to feed your baby. Choose your date: 19 Jan/9 March/4 May
Antenatal Infant Feeding Consultations Bespoke individual consultations for families looking for 1:1 support or may have struggled with infant feeding in the past, expecting a complicated birth, expecting an infant with additional support needs, or have underlying health conditions that may affect lactation.

Postnatal Support
Postnatal Consultations offer a variety of services depending on the needs of you and your family. Consultations can be up to 1.5 hours and can include: history, oral assessment, feeding observations, infant weights, guidance and support to help you meet your goals. From birth to weaning.

Connect with IBCLCs for FREE – ‘Babies, Bumps & Brews’- BrewDog Inverurie, 10-12 Tuesdays
We are committed to improving access to Perinatal Care for ALL families. We want to ensure parents can connect with an expert clinical infant feeding specialist who understands their infant feeding choices and goals. Welcoming expecting parents and families who want to meet other families in the area. Join us for a cuppa, chat, ask us your feeding questions (breast/bottle/solids), guest speakers, WhatsApp group, and events.
Weight Check Wednesday at the Scotland Baby Clinic- FREE drop-in service from 9:30-12:30 or reserve your space the 1st Wed of the month (apart from 9 Jan). Great for naked weights or a quick weigh with clothes. Weighted breastfeeds are popular with those wanting to know how much their baby is getting.